Testimonials and Awards

"I have used the FOD*BOSS product when I was in the F-14 community and it saved millions of dollars in FOD damaged engines. Once we received the FOD*BOSS, we did not have another damaged engine. So with that, I say thank you!"

"The 7th Bomb Wing is in a constant battle to eliminate foreign object debris from the flight line, and is winning, with more than 1500 consecutive days of FOD-free incidents. This is a very significant milestone. Things we do to minimize FOD ... [include] using the FOD*BOSS ... Dyess hasn't had a major FOD incident since 2009, where FOD repairs reached over $1 million."
MSgt, USAF Dyess AFB

"Our first FODBOSS unit in Atlanta was approximately 2 ½ years old and used daily. It’s estimated that the unit acquired between 8,000-8,500 miles of usage picking up an estimated 32,000 lbs. of debris (Potential FOD). Calculations were based on 800 + days of usage, 10 miles per day and 40 lbs. per day of debris collected. Today, we still believe in the FOD Boss and continue to use daily."
Operations Safety & Audit Manager, AirTran Airways, USA

"The FOD*BOSS Sweeper has provided airports an affordable FOD control tool. Aviation Safety Foundation Australia considers this effective and cost effective FOD control initiative by Aerosweep has reduced foreign object damage on a major scale, and is a worthy recipient of a certificate of Air Safety."
Aviation Safety Foundation Australia

"We tested The FOD* Boss on Friday. This thing is unreal! Picks up everything."
Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, USA.

"The FOD*BOSS demonstrations went very well on Friday. A total of three were held. All individuals who observed this product agreed that it would play a key role in keeping the facilities clean and FOD free… Very impressive!”
The Boeing Company, Commercial Division

"We received our FODBOSSes here at Langley on 20 Oct 06. We have put the Triplex in work as of this Monday 30 Oct 06….Works great, just as expected. We are utilizing it on our ALFA taxiway as well as EORs. FOD prevention at a premium thanks to the FODBOSS!!!!! On behalf of the Leadership at 1st Fighter Wing (LAFB) allow me to say thanks for all of your advice and help in our fight against FOD."
Wing FOD Manager 1 FW/CVF DSN 575-7382

"The FOD*BOSS was used for the space shuttle move from its horizontal hanger to the Vertical Assembly Building. Believe me there has never been a cleaner tow path! Thanks for your support."
J Seaman United Space Alliance, Cape Canaveral, Florida USA.

"Had a blast with the FOD*BOSS at Zone 5 today. I demonstrated it to the techs and drove it from gate to gate while working the aircraft. It was quite the attention getter. As expected everybody was impressed with the performance and there was no shortage of techs willing to sweep up the FOD.... "
Manager DTW/LMO Delta Airlines

"We have amazed the base leadership with the units we have already. On the first test run on what we thought was a pretty clean airfield we returned with about a half a gallon of FOD which included two nuts, a vacuum hose T junction, and a thick, curled piece of metal that we don’t know what it was. We used it twice more finding at least one piece of metal each time. Then we used a conventional brush and vacuum sweeper on the runway and primary taxiway prior to a FOD sensitive aircraft flight. I went out immediately after the sweeper and swept the same area with the FOD*BOSS. I picked up approximately 3 pounds/1.5 gallons of rabbit droppings, sand, quartz (runway aggregate), rocks, twigs, three animal bones (most likely rabbit), and three pieces of metal – two different sized washers and a small broken bolt."
Chief, Ops Support, RAF Fairford, England

"Recently our commander wanted to rent or buy a street sweeper due to the large amount of foreign objects on our flight line. We told him not to worry we had just the right tool for the job. Within 90 minutes of use we accumulated a pile of junk. The pile was over 200 pounds, with 20 pounds of scrap metal. The 5th Expeditionary Air Mobility Squadron, Maintenance Flight would like to thank your company for making a quality product. Its quality workmanship and unsurpassed ease of use makes it the best tool for our nagging FOD issue."
5th EAMS, USAF Maintenance Flight, C-5 Galaxy Lead.

"We here at Balad AB Iraq use The FOD*BOSS meticulously. We log over 40 miles a day on average within a 24 hour period. Our lack of F.O.D.incidents are directly correlated to the use of your product, The FODBOSS."
TSgt, USAF Reserve

"Just to let you know we are very happy with the FODBOSS. It works a treat! We have (or will soon) order a second one. They are quite amazing as to just how good they are – picks up the tiniest little stone to quite large ones. Again thanks for sending one up for us to trial. I guess you knew before you sent it you would not be getting it back!!"
John, Xstrata

"We really value the FOD Boss and are considering purchasing the second unit with the hitch to reduce the amount of time necessary on the runway. During our recent runway construction project it was used behind the contractors’ vacuum and rotary broom. See the attached picture that shows how much it picked up that was missed by the other equipment (even notice the broom bristles). It’s been an invaluable asset that really increases the productivity of our small staff and enhances airfield safety. Thanks again."
Ops Manager McKinney National Airport

"With the purchase of sixty-one FOD*BOSS Rapid Response Airfield Sweepers, the Louisiana State Department of Transportation’s Aviation Division has equipped airports with 'The best FOD prevention tool on the planet'. Louisiana has made a commitment to become the top state in the nation in airfield FOD safety. Incorporating FOD*BOSS sweeper technology into their FOD prevention efforts makes good sense, as other airports are learning.”
FOD FIGHTERS: Louisiana Declares War on FOD, June 2007

"I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know what a fantastic job the FODBOSS is doing for our parking area and taxi ways. It has made a world of difference. Thank you for your fast shipping and your great costumer service. The FOD Boss has made a great impression on the units stationed here on the airfield. The BDE is interested in purchasing more FOD Bosses. He will be contacting you in the next couple of days in order to get moving on the purchase request and contract. Again, thank you."
TF Diamondhead, S-4 CPT, AVN

"We received our FODBOSSes here at Langley on 20 Oct 06. We have put the Triplex in work as of this Monday 30 Oct 06. Works great, just as expected. We are utilizing it on our ALFA taxiway as well as EORs. FOD prevention at a premium thanks to the FODBOSS!!!!! On behalf of the Leadership at 1st Fighter Wing (LAFB) allow me to say thanks for all of your advice and help in our fight against FOD."
Wing FOD Manager 1 FW/CVF DSN 575-7382.

"Yesterday, I attended Labor-Management Safety meeting, during which a performance review of the FOD Boss was presented. Many ORD upper management were in attendance, including those who approved the funds for the FODBOSS. Frank made a 10 minute presentation which included graphs of the amount of debris removed from the ramp. You will be pleased to know that in three weeks, the FODBOSS has picked up over 600 lbs. of debris. In addition, some interesting material was found. Thousands of very small steel “pins” were trapped by the unit. These were so small that unless you were looking for them, you wouldn’t notice them on the ramp. Turns out, they came from the brushes the city uses to remove snow from the ramp areas. The material was brought to the city and exactly matched the material on the brushes. The city has contacted the manufacturer and a new process is being implemented for future sweepers. Our management team is very impressed and the possibility of another purchase was mentioned. We did a good thing!”
United Airlines Maintenance Training.

"I salted the Shuttle tow path with a dozen pieces of misc. hardware ranging in size from a small washer to a bolt @5″ long. We made three separate passes with the Boss and it got them all each time. We will put the FODBOSS to a “real time” test either today or tomorrow when we actually roll out the Shuttle. Thanks again for your support and I’ll keep you posted."

"Thus far we have been extremely pleased with the results we have with the FODBOSS. We use it twice daily and are continually amazed at the amount of FOD we trap in the unit!! The employees still actually look forward to doing the sweeping. I appreciate the follow up!!"
Senior Manager-Puerto Rico & Caribbean, LMM International Airport

"We have done extended trials of all FOD equipment and the FOD*BOSS is clearly the most effective tool. Not just for the nuts and bolts, stones etc but very effective with sand which our engineers realize is a silent killer of jet engines. They know that it doesn’t break blades directly but degrades jet engines quietly and steadily. The ramp people also like the fact that the ramp is so clean there is no grit blowing around getting in their eyes etc. It is so well accepted with the ramp workers that we (Delta) are now considering using it as the ‘roll-out tool’ to kick-start new fod programs at all airports. The ramp workers (old and new) love jumping on a tug and ‘zooming’ around with the FB. I have never heard one word against it !”
Delta Airlines

"We just received 14 of your new FOD Boss’s and everything is going great. Our WING produced 6892 Sorties and we flew 30,0047 flying hours and we did all of this without losing one Sortie (Aircraft) to FOD. Your product truly played an important part in the WAR and this WING. I want to thank you for what you have and continue to do for the AIR FORCE FOD PROGRAM."
379th Expeditionary Maint. Group, Al-Udeid AB, Qatar

"We are thrilled that The FOD*BOSS has lived up to its reputation."
Fedex, Oakland, USA

"The FOD*BOSS so far has picked up more than the ramp Vacuum sweeper as evidenced by boxes of material collected on the Dryden Flight line. Two boxes of debris, including rivets, paper clips, and safety wire were collected. It’s less expensive and easier to operate than the alternative mechanical sweeper.”
Chief of Maintenance, Dryden Flight Research Centre NASA, USA

"We were one of the first Airports in the world to own and operate a FOD*BOSS. It has exceptional pick-up ability, collecting debris from the grooves and sand from the runway."
Mildura Rural City Council, Australia

"The FOD*BOSS was in constant use on tarmac areas used by military and Warbird Jet Aircraft for engine starts, launching and recovery. All jet operators commented favourably on the high standard of FOD control that was achieved with the FOD*BOSS."
Australian International Airshow
"The FOD*BOSS so far has picked up more than the ramp Vacuum sweeper as evidenced by boxes of material collected on the Dryden Flight line. Two boxes of debris, including rivets, paper clips, and safety wire were collected. It’s less expensive and easier to operate than the alternative mechanical sweeper.”
Chief of Maintenance, Dryden Flight Research Centre NASA, USA

"Our FOD*BOSS arrived just prior to Christmas and what a Christmas present it was. We are delighted with it. See the attached photos of the first time we used it. This was after a FOD walk had been performed, all of this had been missed!"
Oregon Air National Guard, USA.

"The International Airport of Zurich have been using the FOD*BOSS for more than 3 years. Its operation is an important part or our FOD control concept and is regularly and successfully put into operation jointly with our suction type airport sweepers on the apron and parking areas."
Head of Airfield Maintenance, International Airport, Zurich, Switzerland

"We here at Balad AB Iraq use The FOD*BOSS meticulously. We log over 40 miles a day on average within a 24 hour period. Our lack of F.O.D. incidents are directly correlated to the use of your product, The FODBOSS."

“I have been using the FOD*BOSS on my airport since 2003. My airport is the busiest general aviation airport in Australia, and I would not use anything else to sweep Foreign Object Debris (FOD). The FOD*BOSS plays a big part in our airport’s serviceability plan. Together with the FOD*BOSS App, there is nothing better!”
Jandakot Airport, Australia
Aviation Safety Foundation of Australia (ASFA)
In 2002 the Aviation Safety Foundation of Australia (ASFA) awarded Aerosweep Pty Ltd the certificate of air safety award for the FOD*BOSS.
This award is in recognition of the outstanding contribution to air safety which the FOD*BOSS makes each and every time it is deployed at an airfield or airbase around the world.